Need A Fresh Start?


A fresh start doesn’t have to be a new place. Sometimes it’s a new mindset.

My sisters and I! (That’s me on the far right.) We were picking up my middle sister from airport in 2017. This was the first time that all three of us were in one place in years so we snapped a picture.

In 2017, when this picture was taken, I was in the height of unhappiness. I was a home schooling mother to young children as well as a critical care night nurse. I have never been so exhausted.

During this time of my life, I was incredibly unhealthy. I developed some questionable self care habits that involved a diet of hospital jello and saltines at work and then granola and red bull after work. I was in and out of the ER frequently. I had pains and debilitating symptoms that couldn’t be easily explained. Being a nurse was probably part of my problem. Since I know what can go wrong, I’ll either be paranoid about it or completely disregard my own health until it’s an emergency; hence, the ER.

(To be fair, was I not SUPPOSED to feel miserable while I’m working nights in the ICU and then coming home to be mom to four young children who were home though the day? Oh, I’m tired and feel sick? Well, obviously. My liquid intake is more Red Bull than water. Did I enjoy buzzing around like a chihuahua in a constant brain fog? No. But I enjoyed it a lot more than my head hitting the table when I’d fall asleep without it.)

Me at work in 2018 before I made changes. In this picture, I’m 5’4 and 170 pounds.

Christmas of 2015 I spent writhing in pain in the ER and then checked myself out with no answers so I could go upstairs to work my 12-hour shift. I tell you all this to say I’ve learned to take care of myself the hard way. Let me tell you, it takes its toll.

In 2019, I decided I deserved to feel better. I wanted to be a strong, healthy person. In little decisions I could ask myself, “what would a healthy person do?” They’d chose this menu option. They’d take the stairs. They’d park out a little farther. They’d show up.

Did you even go to the gym if you don’t take a selfie about how much you’re hating it?

The pandemic helped. I was having to book a time at the gym ahead of time since they were limiting the number of people inside at one time. After I booked it, I felt like a jerk if I didn’t go. I had reserved a time and that meant that someone else who was motivated and wanted to go wouldn’t be able to go if I decided not to. I didn’t want to be that guy.

I started making sure I got the vitamins and minerals my body was craving. (There are tests to see where you’re deficient! I’ll get some info on those.) That felt like the work I was doing on my body counted for extra points. The way I did this was to use the Fruits & Greens drink supplements from Nutridyn. They’re way better than I thought they’d be. It’s so nice to be able to grab a packet in the flavor I want and throw it in my bag with a water bottle for later. Easiest way to pack a snack ever.

The best tip I got during this time was DON’T DRINK EMPTY CALORIES. Also, replacing something unhealthy with something new works better than trying to replace a beloved snack or drink with the “healthy” version. An example of this would be if you love Dr. Pepper, it may be easier to switch to a whole new drink rather than acclimate to Diet Dr Pepper.

The fruits and greens drinks are a fantastic option for this.

This picture is from this year, 2021. I’m on the far left this time.

I’ve lost over 55 pounds. No joke. Can you believe it? What universe is this?

Ready to FEEL GOOD?! You can do this! It’s just one small decision after another. We can do it together.

Rylee Rivas, RN BSN


Beating anxiety with SCIENCE!


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